CMA CGM applies new charges from Europe to America

CMA CGM has announced new surcharges from European ports to several American destinations that will be effective from 1 September.


In particular, the French carrier will impose a Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) of US$592 (€500) per TEU and US$1,185 (€1,000) per FEU for all cargo types, from Italy to West Coast South America, East Coast Central America and the Caribbean, West Coast Central America, Mexico West Coast and Leeward & Windward Islands.

One more PSS will be implemented from CMA CGM, for dry, out of gauge (OOG), breakbulk and reefer cargo from North Europe, Scandinavia, Poland, Northern Spain and Portugal to the US East Coast and US Gulf, Canada East Coast and Mexico East Coast. The surcharge will be US$1,250 per standard TEU and US$1,500 per standard and high cube FEU.

For the same cargo types, the Marseille-based container line will apply a PSS of US$1,250 per TEU and US$1,750 per FEU from the same origin ports to the US West Coast.

Furthermore, CMA CGM will set a PSS of US$592 (€500) per standard, reefer, non-operating-reefer (NOR) and special containers, including IG and OOG, for sailings from France Atlantic & the United Kingdom (UK), to Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Buenaventura of Colombia, and Ensenada, Manzanillo & Lazaro Cardenas of Mexico. This surcharge will be short-term, lasting 3 months maximum.

Last but not least, CMA CGM will push up its Freight All Kind (FAK) rates from North Europe, Scandinavia & the Mediterranean to East Coast South America, as follows:

Source: Conatiner News

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