Freight rates, box prices continue to rise
Freight rates, box prices continue to rise

Not a happy start to the New Year for exporters and freight forwarders in India and Asia as the volatility of spot rates and contract rates continues to spill over in 2022.

CMA CGM to push up South America rates
CMA CGM to push up South America rates

After four months of pausing increases in freight rates, CMA CGM has now announced fresh push-ups take will take effect on 15 February and will be applied in shipments to and from the East Coast of South America.

Ningbo port remains open but land transportation becomes tricky
Ningbo port remains open but land transportation becomes tricky

Ningbo-Zhoushan, China’s second busiest container port is still open for business as the country battles another wave of Covid-19 infections, but the drive to keep out the disease has slowed trucking logistics.

MSC to push up Oceania – Europe rates
MSC to push up Oceania – Europe rates

Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has announced the implementation of new Freight All Kinds (FAK) rate increases that will be applied from Oceania to Europe.

2021: a year of Covid variants and milking the freight rate cash cow
2021: a year of Covid variants and milking the freight rate cash cow

Starting the year in lockdown and ending the year in lockdown, it all seems like a scene from the Bill Murray classic film Groundhog Day, but in between we did manage some valuable face-to-face networking. So here’s hoping we can finally kick this nasty virus into touch in 2022!

Top 10: The busiest container ports in Asia
Top 10: The busiest container ports in Asia

The vast majority of the largest and busiest container ports in the world are located in Asia. The continent is a crucial part of the global supply chain, which has been proven during the Covid-19 period with local lockdowns in Asian ports affecting heavily the global trade.

59% of all containers leave US ports empty
59% of all containers leave US ports empty

The Covid-19 has truly put the global supply chain in turbulence. After several months, when the global economy has reopened, the blue transport corridor is witnessing plenty of problems- bottlenecks, port congestion, hiked container prices, and shortage of container vessels, to name a few.

Hapag-Lloyd’s AL3 service returns to Savannah
Hapag-Lloyd’s AL3 service returns to Savannah

The German shipping line Hapag-Lloyd has announced that its Atlantic Loop 3 (AL3) service will start calling again at the Port of Savannah, after a port call shift from Savannah to Jacksonville, announced on 8 October.

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